Monday Night Sessions



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prayer journey.

Explore teachings that reveal communion as a profound invitation into unity with Christ. Discover the deep, relational significance behind this sacred practice.

A Sacred Invitation


Unlocking the Power of Each Phrase

The Lord's Prayer Unveiled

Dive into the depths of the Lord's Prayer. Learn the transformative meaning behind Jesus's words, phrase by phrase, and bring new life to your prayer experience.





"I was skeptical about introducing a Prayer Altar to my young children, wondering if the concept would be too abstract for their little minds. To my amazement, it has become a cherished part of our routine. Seeing their innocent engagement with communion has opened my eyes to the pure heart of worship. Praying the Lord's Prayer together, in simple words they understand, has sparked meaningful conversations about Jesus and His love for us. This experience has not only deepened my faith but has laid a spiritual foundation for my children that I pray will guide them throughout their lives. It's been an unexpectedly beautiful journey of discovery and connection."
- Jessica H.

"You would think praying together as a Christian married couple in a Christ focused home would be a common practice. I don't think it is. It should be. We have seen breakthroughs for our family and in business matters in just the short time since our Prayer Altar was formed. Praying together as intercessors for our family and community has helped us to become more "like-minded." Being like-minded binds us together in purpose and we desperately need that in our homes and marriages.  It has also been a blessing to us to introduce communion and the Lord's Prayer to Christian friends when we have hosted a dinner in our home. "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matt 18:20)  I want to encourage you dear friends, form a Prayer Altar and watch and see what the Lord will do."
- Patty B.

"Leading a Prayer Altar with my coworkers started as a small step of faith but turned into a profound spiritual journey for us. Taking communion has shifted from a religious act to a deeply personal experience of grace. Delving into the Lord's Prayer together has opened our eyes to the depth of Jesus's teachings. This practice has truly changed how we support and interact with each other."
- Marcus W.

"My Prayer Altar experience with a small group of friends has been life-altering. It's a space where we've grown in vulnerability and trust, especially as we explore communion as an intimate invitation from Jesus. Unpacking the Lord's Prayer phrase by phrase has enriched our prayer life in ways I couldn't have imagined. It's been transformative."
- Elena R.

"Creating a Prayer Altar alone was my quiet rebellion against the noise of life. It became a sanctuary where communion isn't just ritual but a profound encounter with Christ. Praying the Lord's Prayer has become a journey through Jesus's heart, reshaping my days and priorities. This practice has been a life-changing dialogue with God."
- David K.

"Introducing a Prayer Altar to my group of college friends has revolutionized our collective spiritual walk. Communion has become a tangible reminder of our unity and shared faith. Diving deep into the Lord's Prayer together has provided us with a solid foundation to weather the challenges of life. It's been an incredible journey of transformation and growth."
- Tanya P.