What if we lived unstuck and fully in our purpose? What if we cast down fear and stepped out in real faith, becoming a first-hand witness to the power of God? What if we started living our faith instead of just reciting Kingdom principles? What if? What if?

As a family, we had settled in for the long haul. After 20 years in full-time ministry, we knew the routine. We were doing the stuff: pastoring a church, leading a house of prayer, and running multiple local and inner-city outreaches in Orlando, Florida.

When I could, I went to the nations, preaching in the underground church in China and catalyzing significant stadium events in Mexico. I longed to get out more, but the work of the local ministry kept us fully occupied. I was faithful, but I was also burning out. I was bored. Stifled. Exhausted.

In the fall of 2017, a flicker of a dream began to resurface in my heart. What if this wasn’t it? What if adventure in God was still possible? What if I could get out and minister in the nations full-time instead of just every now and then? Would it really be possible to begin all over again? What about the mortgage, and the kids, and the routine? What about the church?

During this time, I was invited to attend a women’s prayer gathering, and it was here that my life changed! The Holy Spirit came in such a powerful way as we prayed for the nation. We began crying for our children, and suddenly I was caught up in a vision. I was standing on the platform of a large stadium gathering, and my children appeared to be watching from the side.

The voice of the Lord declared, “Leah, if you will not step into your calling, your children will not step into their destiny.”

I was undone. I came home and discussed everything with my husband, Larry. We prayed and fasted. After several confirmations, we asked the Lord to give us one more assurance. After all, we were considering leaving everything we had built. To step out, we would be leaving our salary with the church. We needed confirmation.

I put out a fleece. It was a long shot. I asked the Lord to have Lou Engle call me the following day if we were indeed to step out. And guess what? The very next morning, Lou Engle did call. Not only did he call, he encouraged me to step out into my calling, stirring up regions and believing for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in large stadium gatherings. Talk about an answer to my prayer. God is so good!

God answered, and so we stepped out. We left our salaries, friends, and routine. We put our house on the market and began selling and giving away everything we owned. We found an RV and made plans to do the word together as a family. We put all our trust in the Lord and His ability to fulfill His word.

This is what we know so far: Jesus is absolutely able to sustain us in His word. He knows how to uphold us when we are out in deep waters.

God is ready to do more than we can ask or imagine. Regions will be awakened, revived, saved, delivered, healed, re-envisioned, economically renewed, and physically restored. We believe this, we have seen this, and we are going! His Kingdom is surely at hand!!